As a Senior Companion, Randle visits a military veteran in his home twice a week to allow his wife a break to run errands. According to the veteran’s spouse Randle services are much needed because it gives her peace of mind knowing someone is at home with her husband instead of leaving him home alone.
Randle first heard about the Senior Companion Program thru his sister who was a senior companion for seven years. Currently Randle is the only male that serves on the program, and he wished that more men would volunteer to become senior companions.
Randle grew up in Birmingham and has six children and six grandchildren. He is a proud graduate of Carver High School.
He enjoys reading his bible every morning and serving at Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Church as a Deacon.
Before becoming a senior companion, Randle worked and retired as a Truck Driver from Dixie Produce. He says, “being a Senior Companion enables him to feel he has purpose in life and an opportunity to serve others.”
Congratulations to Randle Fitts for being our Family Album spotlight volunteer.
Veterans Guide –