As a result of the coronavirus restrictions, staying home is the new normal. While self-isolating is important for keeping yourself healthy and preventing the spread of COVID-19, this change in routine can have a negative impact on your overall well-being. Seniors, in particular, are missing their usual socialization opportunities and the activities that typically keep them busy. Here are some great ways for seniors to stay happy and healthy during the quarantine without breaking the bank!

Treat Yourself

If there was ever a time to pamper yourself, this is it! Give yourself permission to indulge in a little retail therapy. You could buy a new outfit, a fun kitchen appliance, or some new décor for your home—whatever you like! Just remember to keep your purchases under budget, especially if you’re living on a fixed income. Hunting around online for sales and promotional items can help you save on your quarantine shopping spree. For example, QVC has plenty of exciting things available at clearance prices, and you can even grab some QVC promo codes for additional savings on your purchases!

Prioritize Good Nutrition

Good nutrition is always important, but during a time like this, taking care of your physical health should be your top priority. Did you know that the food you eat also affects your mental well-being? Research shows that diets high in sugars can harm the brain, promoting inflammation and worsening mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Try to limit your sugar intake, and get more depression-fighting foods in your diet. For example, Foodies Today recommends nutritional mood-boosters like avocados, dark berries, fatty fish, and sweet potatoes.

Despite common belief, eating healthy doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Keep your grocery trips budget-friendly by shopping in-season produce, buying pantry staples in bulk, and choosing fresh, whole foods over pre-packaged and processed options whenever possible.

Stay Active

When it comes to feeling your best these days, exercise is just as important as healthy eating. Unfortunately, it may be challenging to get your daily dose of physical activity when you can’t leave the house. Instead of investing in expensive workout machines, find some free fitness programs online and follow along in your living room. To get the most from these online workouts and stay safe from injury, CBC recommends challenging your body gently without pushing yourself to the point of pain.

Fill Your Days with Fulfilling Activities

Staying home all day with nothing to do is enough to make anyone go a little stir-crazy. Keeping yourself busy will help you avoid the boredom, anxiety, and symptoms of depression that tend to come with periods of prolonged inactivity, so find something fulfilling to do with your time. This is a great time to pick up a new hobby! Jetsetter suggests low-cost hobbies like knitting, painting, sewing, making jewelry, or brewing beer. Besides filling your time in lockdown, learning something new is a great way to keep your mind sharp in your golden years!

Connect with Friends and Family Online

Even if you can’t visit your friends and family in person just yet, you can still stay connected virtually! Socialization is an incredibly important element of mental health, so reach out to your loved ones any way you can. There are plenty of free online tools you can use to stay in contact. For example, you can use video chat apps to see your grandkids or play games with your friends from a distance. Although it’s not the same as visiting your loved ones in person, staying connected online will help you combat feelings of loneliness.

These are difficult times for everyone. As long as you’re stuck at home, make sure you’re prioritizing your health and well-being. Take steps to keep yourself feeling your best. Practice self-care, treat yourself, stay connected with family, and pick up some hobbies. You might just come out of quarantine with some new healthy habits!

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